NFLG JS2250XC Mixer And Parts

Models:NFLG JS2250XC

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Here is a description of the NFLG JS2250XC Mixer And Parts

NO. Specification Qty Unit weight (Kg) Total weight (Kg) Remarks
1 Diamond 60 6 360
2 Trapezoid 24 4.6 110.4
4 Small Lining 12 5.8 69.6
5 End Lining 1 Big Arc 16 18.8 300.8
6 End Lining 2 Small Arc 24 7.2 172.8
7 End Lining 3 lrregular 1 4 15.8 63.2
8 End Lining 4 lrregular 2 4 14.8 59.2
9 unicading Door

Seallng Plate

4 18.6 74.4 瓦头
10 Middle Blade 8 16.2 129.6
11 Left Blade 4 18.6 74.4
12 Right Blade 2 17.2 34.4
13 Left Knife 4 9.4 37.6
14 Right Knife 2 9.2 18.4
15 Middle Arm 8 58.2 465.6
16 Left Arm 4 63.2 252.8
17 Right Arm 2 62.8 125.6
Total 182 346.4 2348.8


Our commitment to delivering the pinnacle of performance revolves around the fundamental concepts of original replacement, aftermarket solutions, and unrivaled durability.

In the arena of aftermarket solutions, we set ourselves apart by offering products that not only meet industry standards but exceed them. Our NFLG JS2250XC mixer blades, mixing arms, and liners are engineered to not only restore but elevate equipment performance. This commitment to surpassing expectations adds exceptional value to our offerings, positioning us as a preferred choice for those seeking reliable and high-quality replacement parts that go beyond the baseline.

Durability is the cornerstone of our manufacturing philosophy. Recognizing the demanding conditions of concrete mixing, we engineer our NFLG JS2250XC components to endure the rigors of heavy-duty usage. The materials employed, coupled with precision craftsmanship, ensure not just longevity but sustained top-tier performance in the face of challenging operational environments.

In conclusion, when you choose our NFLG JS2250XC twin-shaft mixer blades, mixing arms, and liners, you are selecting more than components. You are embracing original replacement parts that seamlessly integrate, aftermarket solutions that exceed expectations, and durability that stands the test of time. Our commitment is to provide you not only with parts but reliable partners in the success of your concrete mixing operations.

Mixing Parts

Arm Counterpart, Arm Protector, End Liners, Mixing Arm, Mixing Blade, Wall Liners


All brand names, part numbers, model numbers and descriptions are used for identification purposes only, they are owned by the Genuine company.We provide alternative aftermarket  parts for subject machines according to the parts number and machine models. All parts are manufactured and warranted by Mining against our own drawings, Mining has no association of OEM with above mentioned brands.

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